People Leadership Prajna Dhar, Ph.D.-Track Director, Biomolecular Engineering-Professor, Chemical and Petroleum Engineering-Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Chemical and Petroleum EngineeringView full profile Ken Fischer, Ph.D.-Director, Bioengineering-Professor, Mechanical Engineering-Director, Biomechanical Rehabilitation Engineering Advancement in Kansas ProgramView full profile Terence McIff, Ph.D.-Track Director, Biomechanics & Neural Eng.-Associate Professor, Orthopedic Surgery and Sports Medicine, KUMC-Director, Orthopedic Biomechanics and Bioengineering LabsView full profile Suzanne Shontz, Ph.D.-Track Director, Computational Bioengineering-Professor, Electrical Eng. and Computer Sci.-Associate Dean for Research, School of Engineering-Director, Mathematical Methods and Interdisciplinary Computing Research Center, Institute for Information Sciences-Founding Director, Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Computing Program, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer ScienceView full profile Paulette Spencer, D.D.S., Ph.D.-Director, Institute for Bioengineering Research-Deane E. Ackers Distinguished Professor, Mech. Eng.View full profile Candan Tamerler, Ph.D.-Track Director, Biomaterials & Tissue Engineering-Wesley G. Cramer Professor, Mechanical Engineering-Associate Vice Chancellor for ResearchView full profile Sara Wilson, Ph.D.-Track Co-Director, Biomedical Product Design & Dev.-Associate Professor, Mechanical EngineeringView full profile Xinmai Yang, Ph.D.-Graduate Studies Director, Bioengineering-Track Director, Bioimaging-Professor, Mechanical EngineeringView full profile Core Faculty Jonathan Brumberg, Ph.D.-Associate Professor, Speech-Language-Hearing: Sciences & Disorders-Courtesy Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering & Computer ScienceView full profile Laird Forrest, Ph.D.-Professor, Pharmaceutical ChemistryView full profile Lisa Friis, Ph.D.-Professor, Mechanical EngineeringView full profile Stevin Gehrke, Ph.D.-Professor, Chemical and Petroleum EngineeringView full profile Justin Hutchison, Ph.D.-Assistant Professor, Civil, Environmental, and Architectural EngineeringView full profile Carl Luchies, Ph.D.-Associate Professor, Mechanical EngineeringView full profile Lorin Maletsky, Ph.D.-Associate Department Chair, Mechanical Engineering-Professor, Mechanical EngineeringView full profile Randy Nudo, Ph.D.-Professor & Vice Chair of Research, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine-Director, Landon Center on AgingView full profile Steven Soper, Ph.D.-KU Foundation Distinguished Professor, Chemistry, Mechanical Engineering, and Bioengineering View full profile Academic Affiliates Arvin Agah, Ph.D.Dean, School of Engineering -Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer ScienceView full profile David Akhavan, Ph.D.-Assistant Professor, Radiation OncologyView full profile Shrikant Anant, Ph.D.-Professor and Chair for Cancer Biology, School of MedicineView full profile Arian AshourvanAssistant Professor Department of Psychology View full profile Ron Barrett-Gonzalez, Ph.D.-Professor, Aerospace EngineeringView full profile Jordan BorrellAssistant Professor Department of Occupational Therapy View full profile William Brooks, Ph.D.-Director, Hoglund Brain Imaging Center-Professor, NeurologyView full profile Kyle Camarda, Ph.D.-Associate Professor, Chemical and Petroleum EngineeringView full profile Mark Chertoff, Ph.D.-Professor, Hearing and SpeechView full profile In-Young Choi, Ph.D.-Professor, NeurologyView full profile Jiwoong Choi, Ph.D.-Research Assistant Professor, Department of Internal MedicineView full profile Linda D'SilvaAssistant Professor Department of Physical Therapy, Rehabilitation Science, and Athletic Training View full profile Dan Dixon, Ph.D.-Professor, Molecular Biosciences-Co-Leader, Cancer Prevention Program, University of Kansas Cancer Center View full profile Robert Dunn, Ph.D.-Professor, ChemistryView full profile Chris Fischer, Ph.D.-Associate Professor, Physics and AstronomyView full profile Meg Folsom, M.D., M.S. CCC/SLPAssistant Professor Department of Anesthesiology View full profile Andrew Fry, Ph.D.-Director, Jayhawk Athletic Performance Laboratory-Professor, Heath, Sport & Exercise SciencesView full profile Hao Gao, Ph.D.-Associate Professor, Radiation OncologyView full profile Andrew Godwin, Ph.D.-Chancellors Distinguished Chair in Biomedical Sciences and Endowed Professor-Professor and Director of Molecular Oncology, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine-Deputy Director, The University of Kansas Cancer Center-Kansas Bioscience Authority Eminent ScholarView full profile Kathleen Gustafson, Ph.D.-Research Associate Professor, Neurology-Director, Neurophysiology CoreView full profile Michael Hageman, Ph.D.-Valentino J. Stella Distinguished Professor, Pharmaceutical Chemistry-Director, Biopharmaceutical Innovation & Optimization CenterView full profile Lisa Harlan-Williams, Ph.D.-Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology-Assistant Director, Administration and Education, University of Kansas Cancer CenterView full profile Chun-Kai HuangAssistant Professor, Physical Therapy, Rehabilitation Science, and Athletic TrainingView full profile Roy Hui, Ph.D.-Professor, Electrical Engineering & Computer ScienceView full profile Roy Jensen, M.D.-Director, University of Kansas Cancer Center-Director, Kansas Masonic Research Institute (KMCRI)-Professor, Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine-William R. Jewell, MD Distinguished Kansas Masonic Professorship in Cancer Research -Chief Executive Officer, Midwest Cancer Alliance-Professor, Cancer BiologyView full profile Michael A Johnson, Ph.D.-Associate Professor, Department of ChemistryView full profile Hyunjoon Kim, Ph.D.-Assistant Professor, Pharmaceutical ChemistryView full profile Krzysztof Kuczera, Ph.D.-Professor, Chemistry-Professor, Molecular BiosciencesView full profile Gibum KwonAssistant Professor Mechanical Engineering View full profile Phil Lee, Ph.D.-Professor, RadiologyView full profile Harold Li, Ph.D., DABR, FAAPM-Vice Chair/Chief of Medical Physics, Radiation Oncology -Professor, Radiation OncologyView full profile Wen Liu, Ph.D.-Associate Professor, Physical Therapy, Rehabilitation Science, and Athletic TrainingView full profile Sue Lunte, Ph.D.-Ralph N. Adams Distinguished Professor of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Chemistry -Director, Adams Institute for Bioanalytical Chemistry-Director, NIH COBRE Center for Molecular Analysis of Disease PathwaysView full profile Diane MahoneyAssistant Professor University of Kansas Nursing School View full profile Adam Mellott, Ph.D.-Research Assistant Professor, Plastic SurgeryView full profile Jonathan Miller, Ph.D.Assistant Research ProfessorView full profile Peter Niedbalski, Ph.D.-Research Assistant Professor, Department of Internal MedicineView full profile Ted Peltier, Ph.D.-Professor, Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering-Dean R. and Florence W. Frisbie Associate Chair for Undergraduate StudiesView full profile John Ralston, Ph.D.-Professor, Physics & AstronomyView full profile Panying Rong, Ph.D.-Assistant Professor, Speech-Language-Hearing: Sciences & DisordersView full profile Adam Rouse, M.D., Ph.D.-Assistant Professor, Neurosurgery-Assistant Professor, Molecular and Integrative Physiology-Director of Basic Research, NeurosurgeryView full profile Mohammad Sabati, Ph.D.-Senior Research ScientistView full profile Aaron Scurto, Ph.D.-Professor, Chemical and Petroleum EngineeringView full profile Mark Shiflett, Ph.D.-Foundation Distinguished Professor-Director, NSF Engineering Research Center - EARTH-Director, Wonderful Institute for Sustainable EngineeringView full profile Teruna Siahaan, Ph.D.-Aya and Takeru Higuchi Distinguished Professor, Pharmaceutical Chemistry-Associate Chair, Pharmaceutical Chemistry-Co-Director, NIH Biotechnology Training ProgramView full profile Michael SoaresDistinguished Professor, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine View full profile Jacob Sosnoff, Ph.D.-Professor, Physical Therapy, Rehabilitation Science, and Athletic Training-Associate Dean, Research, School of Health ProfessionsView full profile Susan Stagg-Williams, Ph.D.-Charles E. & Mary Jane Spahr Professor, Chemical and Petroleum EngineeringDepartment Chair, Chemical and Petroleum EngineeringView full profile Belinda Sturm, Ph.D.-Professor, Civil, Environmental and Architectural EngineeringDirector Kansas NSF EPSCoR OfficeView full profile Illya Vakser, Ph.D.-Director, Center for Computational Biology-Professor, Molecular BiosciencesView full profile Jay VivianResearch Associate Professor, Pathology and Laboratory MedicineView full profile David Volkin, Ph.D.-Ronald T. Borchardt Distinguished Professor, Pharmaceutical ChemistryView full profile Danny Welch, Ph.D.-Professor, Cancer Biology-Professor, Molecular and Integrative PhysiologyView full profile Rebecca J. Whelan, Ph.D.Associate Professor, Department of ChemistryView full profile Liang Xu, Ph.D.-Professor, Molecular BioscienceView full profile Zijun Yao, Ph.D.- Assistant Professor, EECSView full profile Long Zheng, Ph.D.-Chair and Service Chief, Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine-Endowed ProfessorView full profile Cucong Zhong, Ph.D.-Assistant Professor, Department of EECS-Institute for Information SciencesView full profile Clinical Affiliates Jeffrey Burns, M.D., M.S.-Professor, Neurology-Director, Clinical And Translational Science Unit-Director, Memory Care Clinic, University of Kansas Health System-Co-Director, SOM-Kansas City-Division Director, Neurocognitive Division, SOM-Kansas City, NeurologyView full profile Rachel Chevalier, M.D.-Research Assistant Professor, PediatricsView full profile Wallace Meyer-Director, Entrepreneurship Programs-Lecturer, School of BusinessView full profile Neil Segal, MD, MS-Professor, Rehabilitation Medicine-Director, Clinical Rehabilitation Research Program , Rehabilitation MedicineView full profile Neena Sharma, Ph.D.-Associate Professor, Physical Therapy, Rehabilitation Science, and Athletic TrainingView full profile Malcolm L Snead, D.D.S., Ph.D.-Professor, Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry of University of Southern CaliforniaView full profile Hinrich Staecker, M.D., Ph.D.-Professor, Otolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryView full profile Stephen Waller, M.D.-Associate Professor, Infectious Diseases-Interim Co-Director, Infectious DiseasesView full profile Graduate Students Esraa AbdelsalamView full profile Asma Abdolijomoor-Doctoral ProgramView full profile Michaela Abel- Masters of Engineering View full profile Tasmim Adry-Masters / Doctoral Program View full profile Thushanthya Vihansani Ahangama-Masters / Doctoral ProgramView full profile Aidan Alemifar-Doctoral ProgramView full profile Connor AlqhuistMasters ProgramView full profile Andreas Altingul- Maters of Engineering View full profile Taylor Bader-Doctoral ProgramView full profile Piyush Bhanu- Doctoral ProgramView full profile Garrett Black- Masters ProgramView full profile Ashley Bland- Masters ProgramView full profile Nicholas Burdolski-Masters ProgramView full profile Kyley Burkey-Doctoral ProgramView full profile Katie Childers-Doctoral ProgramView full profile Kalea Chu-Masters ProgramView full profile Aya Cloyd-Doctoral ProgramView full profile Jasmine Deng-Doctoral ProgramView full profile Danielle Dotson-Masters / Doctoral ProgramView full profile Grant Downes-Doctoral ProgramView full profile Joshua Dugdale-Master ProgramView full profile Juan Claudio Escalante- Masters / Doctoral ProgramView full profile Kara Hageman-Doctoral ProgramView full profile Alexandra HardingerDoctoral ProgramView full profile Mikala Heon-Doctoral ProgramView full profile Daniela Hirsch-Masters / Doctoral ProgramView full profile Christina Grace Hymer-Doctoral ProgramView full profile Aliul Islam RiadDoctoral ProgramView full profile Nur Ceren Kabakci-Master ProgramView full profile William Kuenne-Master ProgramView full profile Michael Latham-Doctoral ProgramView full profile Arthur Lee-Doctoral ProgramView full profile Willy Lee-Doctoral ProgramView full profile Nathan Lucas-Master ProgramView full profile Savannah Mosier-Doctoral ProgramView full profile Finnian Murdock- Masters ProgramView full profile Matthew Nishimoto-Doctoral ProgramView full profile Mohammad Nouri Felekori-Doctoral ProgramView full profile Belinda Ansomaa Okomeng-Doctoral ProgramView full profile Rylie Parr-Doctoral ProgramView full profile Seth Siemens- Doctoral Program View full profile Lexi Simar-Doctoral ProgramView full profile Jared Sipes-Doctoral ProgramView full profile Siddharth Subham-Doctoral ProgramView full profile Ridma Tabassum-Doctoral ProgramView full profile Faezeh Tajik-Doctoral ProgramView full profile Eleny Mulugeta Teklehaimanot- Master ProgramView full profile Andrea Villela-Masters ProgramView full profile Kayla Whatley- Doctoral Program View full profile Saeed Younes- Masters Program View full profile Staff Sam Klecan-Program CoordinatorView full profile
Prajna Dhar, Ph.D.-Track Director, Biomolecular Engineering-Professor, Chemical and Petroleum Engineering-Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Chemical and Petroleum EngineeringView full profile
Ken Fischer, Ph.D.-Director, Bioengineering-Professor, Mechanical Engineering-Director, Biomechanical Rehabilitation Engineering Advancement in Kansas ProgramView full profile
Terence McIff, Ph.D.-Track Director, Biomechanics & Neural Eng.-Associate Professor, Orthopedic Surgery and Sports Medicine, KUMC-Director, Orthopedic Biomechanics and Bioengineering LabsView full profile
Suzanne Shontz, Ph.D.-Track Director, Computational Bioengineering-Professor, Electrical Eng. and Computer Sci.-Associate Dean for Research, School of Engineering-Director, Mathematical Methods and Interdisciplinary Computing Research Center, Institute for Information Sciences-Founding Director, Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Computing Program, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer ScienceView full profile
Paulette Spencer, D.D.S., Ph.D.-Director, Institute for Bioengineering Research-Deane E. Ackers Distinguished Professor, Mech. Eng.View full profile
Candan Tamerler, Ph.D.-Track Director, Biomaterials & Tissue Engineering-Wesley G. Cramer Professor, Mechanical Engineering-Associate Vice Chancellor for ResearchView full profile
Sara Wilson, Ph.D.-Track Co-Director, Biomedical Product Design & Dev.-Associate Professor, Mechanical EngineeringView full profile
Xinmai Yang, Ph.D.-Graduate Studies Director, Bioengineering-Track Director, Bioimaging-Professor, Mechanical EngineeringView full profile
Jonathan Brumberg, Ph.D.-Associate Professor, Speech-Language-Hearing: Sciences & Disorders-Courtesy Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering & Computer ScienceView full profile
Justin Hutchison, Ph.D.-Assistant Professor, Civil, Environmental, and Architectural EngineeringView full profile
Lorin Maletsky, Ph.D.-Associate Department Chair, Mechanical Engineering-Professor, Mechanical EngineeringView full profile
Randy Nudo, Ph.D.-Professor & Vice Chair of Research, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine-Director, Landon Center on AgingView full profile
Steven Soper, Ph.D.-KU Foundation Distinguished Professor, Chemistry, Mechanical Engineering, and Bioengineering View full profile
Arvin Agah, Ph.D.Dean, School of Engineering -Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer ScienceView full profile
Linda D'SilvaAssistant Professor Department of Physical Therapy, Rehabilitation Science, and Athletic Training View full profile
Dan Dixon, Ph.D.-Professor, Molecular Biosciences-Co-Leader, Cancer Prevention Program, University of Kansas Cancer Center View full profile
Andrew Fry, Ph.D.-Director, Jayhawk Athletic Performance Laboratory-Professor, Heath, Sport & Exercise SciencesView full profile
Andrew Godwin, Ph.D.-Chancellors Distinguished Chair in Biomedical Sciences and Endowed Professor-Professor and Director of Molecular Oncology, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine-Deputy Director, The University of Kansas Cancer Center-Kansas Bioscience Authority Eminent ScholarView full profile
Kathleen Gustafson, Ph.D.-Research Associate Professor, Neurology-Director, Neurophysiology CoreView full profile
Michael Hageman, Ph.D.-Valentino J. Stella Distinguished Professor, Pharmaceutical Chemistry-Director, Biopharmaceutical Innovation & Optimization CenterView full profile
Lisa Harlan-Williams, Ph.D.-Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology-Assistant Director, Administration and Education, University of Kansas Cancer CenterView full profile
Chun-Kai HuangAssistant Professor, Physical Therapy, Rehabilitation Science, and Athletic TrainingView full profile
Roy Jensen, M.D.-Director, University of Kansas Cancer Center-Director, Kansas Masonic Research Institute (KMCRI)-Professor, Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine-William R. Jewell, MD Distinguished Kansas Masonic Professorship in Cancer Research -Chief Executive Officer, Midwest Cancer Alliance-Professor, Cancer BiologyView full profile
Harold Li, Ph.D., DABR, FAAPM-Vice Chair/Chief of Medical Physics, Radiation Oncology -Professor, Radiation OncologyView full profile
Wen Liu, Ph.D.-Associate Professor, Physical Therapy, Rehabilitation Science, and Athletic TrainingView full profile
Sue Lunte, Ph.D.-Ralph N. Adams Distinguished Professor of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Chemistry -Director, Adams Institute for Bioanalytical Chemistry-Director, NIH COBRE Center for Molecular Analysis of Disease PathwaysView full profile
Peter Niedbalski, Ph.D.-Research Assistant Professor, Department of Internal MedicineView full profile
Ted Peltier, Ph.D.-Professor, Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering-Dean R. and Florence W. Frisbie Associate Chair for Undergraduate StudiesView full profile
Panying Rong, Ph.D.-Assistant Professor, Speech-Language-Hearing: Sciences & DisordersView full profile
Adam Rouse, M.D., Ph.D.-Assistant Professor, Neurosurgery-Assistant Professor, Molecular and Integrative Physiology-Director of Basic Research, NeurosurgeryView full profile
Mark Shiflett, Ph.D.-Foundation Distinguished Professor-Director, NSF Engineering Research Center - EARTH-Director, Wonderful Institute for Sustainable EngineeringView full profile
Teruna Siahaan, Ph.D.-Aya and Takeru Higuchi Distinguished Professor, Pharmaceutical Chemistry-Associate Chair, Pharmaceutical Chemistry-Co-Director, NIH Biotechnology Training ProgramView full profile
Jacob Sosnoff, Ph.D.-Professor, Physical Therapy, Rehabilitation Science, and Athletic Training-Associate Dean, Research, School of Health ProfessionsView full profile
Susan Stagg-Williams, Ph.D.-Charles E. & Mary Jane Spahr Professor, Chemical and Petroleum EngineeringDepartment Chair, Chemical and Petroleum EngineeringView full profile
Belinda Sturm, Ph.D.-Professor, Civil, Environmental and Architectural EngineeringDirector Kansas NSF EPSCoR OfficeView full profile
Illya Vakser, Ph.D.-Director, Center for Computational Biology-Professor, Molecular BiosciencesView full profile
David Volkin, Ph.D.-Ronald T. Borchardt Distinguished Professor, Pharmaceutical ChemistryView full profile
Danny Welch, Ph.D.-Professor, Cancer Biology-Professor, Molecular and Integrative PhysiologyView full profile
Long Zheng, Ph.D.-Chair and Service Chief, Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine-Endowed ProfessorView full profile
Cucong Zhong, Ph.D.-Assistant Professor, Department of EECS-Institute for Information SciencesView full profile
Jeffrey Burns, M.D., M.S.-Professor, Neurology-Director, Clinical And Translational Science Unit-Director, Memory Care Clinic, University of Kansas Health System-Co-Director, SOM-Kansas City-Division Director, Neurocognitive Division, SOM-Kansas City, NeurologyView full profile
Neil Segal, MD, MS-Professor, Rehabilitation Medicine-Director, Clinical Rehabilitation Research Program , Rehabilitation MedicineView full profile
Neena Sharma, Ph.D.-Associate Professor, Physical Therapy, Rehabilitation Science, and Athletic TrainingView full profile
Malcolm L Snead, D.D.S., Ph.D.-Professor, Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry of University of Southern CaliforniaView full profile
Stephen Waller, M.D.-Associate Professor, Infectious Diseases-Interim Co-Director, Infectious DiseasesView full profile