An accessible version of the content below will be made available upon request. Please contact bioe@ku.edu to request the content be made available in an accessible format.
Centers, Groups, and Facilities
Center for Environmentally Beneficial Catalysis
Higuchi Biosciences Center - Info Card (pdf)
Center for BioModular Multi-Scale Systems - Soper (pdf)
Hoglund Brain Imaging Center - Info Card (pdf)
Orthopedic Research Center - McIff (pdf)
University of Kansas Cancer Center
Institute for Bioengineering Research (IBER) - Spencer (pdf)
Research Laboratories
Biodynamics Research Laboratory - Luchies (pdf)
Bioenabled & Biomimetic Materials - Tamerler(pdf)
Biomaterials Synthesis and Characterization Laboratory - Gehrke (pdf)
Biomedical Ultrasound/laser Laboratory (pdf) - Yang (pdf)
Computational Medicine & Image Processing Laboratory (pdf) - Shontz (pdf)
Cortical Plasticity Laboratory - Nudo (pdf)
Clinical Molecular Oncology Laboratory- Godwin
Experimental Joint Biomechanics Research Laboratory - Maletsky (pdf)
Environmental Biocatalytics- Hutchison (pdf)
Human Motion Control Laboratory - Wilson (pdf)
Microscopy Analytical Imaging Research Resource Core- Molinar
Molecular Engineering & Interfacial Nanomedicine Lab - Dhar (pdf)
Musculoskeletal Biomechanics Research Laboratory - Fischer (pdf)
Shiflett Research Group- Shiflett (pdf)
Speech and Applied Neuroscience Lab - Brumberg (pdf)
Spine Biomechanics Laboratory - Friis (pdf)
Sue Lunte Research Group- Lunte
Therapeutic Particles and Biomaterials Technology - Berkland (pdf)
Vakser Lab- Vakser
Water Sustainability & Resource Revovery-Sturm
NOTE: This is not an exhaustive list. For more information, please explore our faculty pages.
Other Resources
Kansas Idea Network for Biomedical Research Excellence (K-INBRE)
NIH Center of Biomedical Research Excellence in Protein Structure & Function (COBRE)