Chris Fischer, Ph.D.

- -Associate Professor, Physics and Astronomy
Contact Info
1076 Malott Hall
Biography —
Associated Tracks
-Biomolecular Engineering
Research Interests
-Kinetics and thermodynamics of protein-protein and protein-nucleic acid interactions; development and implementation of new biophysical methodologies and techniques for the study of these phenomena
Education —
B.A. in Physics, Washington University
M.S. in Applied Physics, University of Michigan
Ph.D. in Applied Physics, University of Michigan, 2000
Selected Publications —
- Shuja S. Malik, Evan Rich, Ramya Viswanathan, Bradley R. Cairns, and Christopher J. Fischer. Allosteric Interactions of DNA and Nucleotides with S. cerevisiae RSC. Biochemistry, 50 (2011):7881-90. PMID: 21834590.
- Eric J. Tomko, Christopher J. Fischer, and Timothy M. Lohman. Ensemble methods for monitoring enzyme translocation along single stranded nucleic acids. Methods, 51 (2010):269-276. PMID: 20371288.
- Ali R. Khaki, Cassandra Field, Shuja Malik, Anita Niedziela-Majka, Stephanie A. Leavitt, Ruth Wang, Magdeleine Hung, Roman Sakowicz, Katherine M. Brendza, and Christopher J. Fischer. The Macroscopic Rate of Nucleic Acid Translocation by Hepatitis C Virus Helicase NS3h Is Dependent on Both Sugar and Base Moieties. Journal of Molecular Biology, 400 (2010):354-378. PMID: 20451531.
- Dennis L. Matlock, Laxmi Yeruva, Alicia K. Byrd, Samuel G. Mackintosh, Clint Langston, Carrie Brown, Craig E. Cameron, Christopher J. Fischer, and Kevin D. Raney. Investigation of translocation, DNA unwinding, and protein displacement by NS3h, the helicase domain from the Hepatitis C virus helicase. Biochemistry, 49 (2010):2097-2109. PMID: 20108974
- Saroja K. Weeratunga, Scott Lovell, Huili Yao, Kevin P. Battaile, Christopher J. Fischer, Casey E. Gee, and Mario Rivera. Structural Studies of Bacterioferritin B from Pseudomonas aeruginosa Suggest a Gating Mechanism for Iron Uptake via the Ferroxidase Center. Biochemistry, 49 (2010):1160-1175. PMID: 20067302
- Christopher J. Fischer, Lake Wooten, Eric J. Tomko and Timothy M. Lohman. Kinetics of Motor Protein Translocation on Single Stranded DNA, in Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol. 587, Mohamed M. Abdelhaleem, Editor, 2010, Springer: New York, NY. p. 45-56.
- Christopher J. Fischer, Kazuhiro Yamada, and Daniel J. Fitzgerald. Kinetic Mechanism for Single stranded DNA binding and Translocation by S. cerevisiae Isw2. Biochemistry, 48 (2009): 2960-2968. PMID: 19203228
- Christopher J. Fischer, Anjanabha Saha and Bradley R. Cairns. Kinetic Model for the ATP-dependent Translocation of S. cerevisiae RSC along Double-stranded DNA. Biochemistry, 46 (2007): 12416-12426. PMID: 17918861
- Eric J. Tomko, Christopher J. Fischer, Anita Niedziela-Majka and Timothy M. Lohman, A Discontinuous Stepping Mechanism for E. coli UvrD Monomer Translocation along Single Stranded DNA. Molecular Cell, 2007: in press.
- Katherine M. Brendza, Wei Cheng, Christopher J. Fischer, Marla A. Chesnik, Anita Niedziela-Majka, and Timothy M. Lohman. Auto-inhibition of E. coli Rep Monomer Helicase Activity by Its 2B Sub-domain. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 102 (2005): 10076-10081
- Christopher J. Fischer, Nasib K. Maluf and Timothy M. Lohman, Mechanism of ATP-Dependent Translocation of E. coli UvrD Monomers Along Single-Stranded DNA, Journal of Molecular Biology 344, 1287-1309 (2004)
Awards & Honors —
- 2002-2004: NIH Postdoctoral Fellowship
- 1999-2000: NIA Multidisciplinary Research Training Grant
- 1997-1999: NIH Molecular Biophysics Training Grant
- 1994-1996: Reagents Fellowship, University of Michigan
Memberships —
- Member, Biophysical Society