Mohammad Sabati, Ph.D.

Mohammad Sabati
  • -Senior Research Scientist

Contact Info

Hoglund Biomedical Imaging Center
Medical Center, Kansas City


Dr. Sabati earned his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering (with focus on MRI) and has worked and lectured in areas of medical imaging, clinical translational research, and electrical engineering. Dr. Sabati’s research has included single-acquisition whole-body imaging and angiography, MR spectroscopic imaging, vascular and neuroimaging, real-time MRI, image reconstruction, and energy conservation. He joined HBIC in 2022 and is developing novel MR spectroscopic and quantitative MR imaging techniques and their data processing pipelines. He is responsible for protocol optimization of specialized imaging strategies. He also trains imaging users with new MRI sequences and tools and supports them in their studies and grant submissions.