Masters Timeline

Year One

  • Consult with faculty - select an advisor
    • Submit "Track and Advisor Delcaration form" to the BIOE program assistant
  • Begin research - Select a thesis project
    • Start reading relevant literature and developing approaches to your thesis research
  • Complete 2-3 classes per semester
  • Start forming your thesis committee
  • Complete and submit your Plan of Study for committee approval
  • Secure funding for upcoming semesters by mid-spring
  • Utilize the summer break to conduct research and develop your project

Year Two

  • Complete 2-3 more classes per semester - you should be completing all coursework
  • Update your Plan of Study as needed
  • Continue your thesis research
    • Your work should be becoming more "self-contained." Overcome the complexities and modify your project accordingly 
    • Contact your committee members to discuss your progress and/or problems to see if they have any advice
  • Get actively involved in your field by attending conferences and society meetings
    • Present your research and make a name for yourself
    • Network with those around you and start making steps towards your career goals
    • Actively seek out employment opportunities
  • Publish your research in applicable journals
    • Don't wait until your project is completed, publish as your findings become conclusive - file for patents where applicable
    • Publications make you more marketable and offer leverage over other job applicants
  • Finalize your thesis
    • Submit it for your committee to review and schedule your oral defense
    • Leave yourself enough time to make revisions prior to the semester deadlines
    • Apply for graduation to the applicable semester prior to university deadlines - consult BIOE website for a complete list of steps toward graduation