Plan of Study
Bioengineering Plan of Study Tutorial
General Info:
- The plan of study is REQUIRED for all graduate students within the School of Engineering.
- It must be completed by the end of your second semester of study.
- If it is not complete, a hold will be placed on your enroll & pay account.
- Consult the “instructions” tab once you log on for general tips from the School of Engineering.
- You need a plan for each degree you are actively seeking. If you are classified as MS/PhD, you will need to create 2 plans.
Plan Specifics:

- Every course needs to be listed out for every semester. DO NOT lump credits together.
- IE…There should be 4 entries for colloquium, not 1 entry worth 2 credits.
- List all courses counting towards your degree.
- Transfer credits should be listed with what it is satisfying as the “instructor.” (below)
- Waived classes need to be listed with what you are taking in its place. (see below)
- Deficiencies must be listed.
- If you are taking a graduate level class that counts toward your degree and the deficiency, list it twice to show that. (see below)
- Make sure your total hours meet the minimum for your degree.
- Update your courses every semester to include your grades and any changes
- IE…the course you planned on taking isn’t offered in that given semester.

- Once you complete all of the above, submit your plan for approval.
- If you take the time to fill this out correctly the first time, it takes a minimal amount of effort to maintain it.
- If you have any questions, please contact the program assistant.